Evergreen Winter Care

How to best prepare your Evergreens for the Winter elements.

1. Water your Evergreens right up until Mid-November, plants will store water in the soil like squirrels do with nuts

  • The plants will use the water in the winter and gives them an extra boost in the spring

2. Use Wilt-pruf best ways to ensure that your tree doesn’t suffer from winter burn is to slow or reduce transpiration by using an anti-desiccant spray

  • Evergreens continue to transpire/ sweat during the winter even when they are dormant
  • wilt-pruf is an orangic  spray that creates a protective coating on the leaves or needles of the evergreen but won’t interfere with its natural processes and growth

3. Wrapping with Burlap 

  • Younger trees need protection from harsh cold winds and salt spray
  • it can be a loose wrap around each tree or you can create a burlap box with stakes

4. Winter Wrap 

  • this is  netting that can go around trees to help hold there shape under heavy snow falls
  • allows air flow through but keeps the branches from breaking 

4. Mulch

  • Mulch at least 3 inches around your evergreen roots but leave space around main stem
  • helps keep the plant warm during the winter

Although wrapping and covering trees and shrubs should wait until we get consistently cold weather in late October or early November, you should gather supplies now, so you are prepared when the weather turns