Garden Soil

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25L bag 85 $5.99

Enriched with compost to improve plant health and reduce transplant shock.

  • Adds organic matter to existing soil to improve the structure.
  • Ideal for large-scale projects such as starting a new vegetable garden or flower bed.
  • Can also be combined with compost and/or peat moss for optimum results

Active ingredients derived from compost (composted livestock & agrifood residues and/or post-consumer source-separated organics and/or leaf & yard residues) and magnesium oxide.

Total Nitrogen (N) - 0.02%
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) - 0.002%
Total Phosphoric Acid - 0.002%
Soluble Potash (K2O) - 0.002%
Magnesium (Mg) - 0.019%
Organic Matter - 18%
Maximum Moisture - 70%